Sunday, October 2, 2011

Love and Other Low Expectations...

I've found a new love after the loss of the "old" one.  It's been awhile since I've been in the "dating game" and fortunately, this person was a friend first.  Conveniently, there was no actual dating game.  There was no one else in between the old and the new.  Clearly, I'm completely off my game.  I'm EXPECTING things!  Dare I say, things like honesty, loyalty, conversation, security even.  What has changed so much since I last dated that now expectations are inappropriate?  Outdated?  Laughable?  I still believe in love, in deep and wonderful kisses, in making love to someone who wants every good thing in the world for you, in having no doubt that person has your back every time...all the time.  Am I kidding myself?  Do I have faith that such things exist when they no longer do?  I don't want to give up my dream if it's a reality, but I don't want to get my heartbroken if it's not.  A friend reminded me tonight to have no expectations and then you'll have no disappointments.  HOW does one get that mentality?  Stay tuned to see if I become a cynic!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Life and How I Got Here

I won't be one of those people who apologizes ahead of time and says "bear with me, this is my first-ever blog post" as a way of excusing in advance how their blog post may pale in comparison to posts of others.  This blog is me...unenhanced, raw, hopefully funny, possibly helpful (to myself and perhaps others), cathartic, and encouraging.   Anything I write that may resemble you or someone you know may or may not be coincidence!  How do I know who's reading this thing?  :-)  This year has been one of stunning pain, tremendous challenge, and then, opportunity.  Borne out of tragedy, it is my determination to live in the midst of great hope and optimism, to be challenged and learn, and to love--love like never before, feel like never before, and be like never before.  This is not just my proverbial "year of living better."  It is the beginning of my YEARS of living better and looking life in the face and saying "you're mine and this time, I will do with you what I will, so hang on!"  I want to learn and share what I'm learning and hopefully someone out there (maybe a few someones) will stumble upon this, enjoy it, and have some eventual good things to say...Welcome!